Ellina Kevorkian


Ellina Kevorkian



Artist Statement

Ellina Kevorkian is an interdisciplinary artist who creates hybridized relationships between painting, photography, video, and performance. Using tropes, humor, and the visual languages of art and popular culture, Kevorkian suggests other possibilities in the ways women are represented. Kevorkian has shown in Los Angeles and beyond; among the many, Western Project, a showing of selected videos at MOCA, Los Angeles, and inclusion in the Southern California Council of the National Museum of Women in the Arts sponsored retrospective Multiple Vantage Points: Southern California Women Artists, 1980-2006.

As a commissioned artist for Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions she presented Recollecting Performance, an exhibition of 1970s and e.1980s garments worn by Southern Californian performance artists for Los Angeles Goes Live: Performance Art in Southern California 1970-1983, as part of The Getty funded initiative Pacific Standard Time: Art in LA 1945-1980. Kevorkian’s year-long, site-specific installation for The Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver, violetagainstwomen.tumblr.com, can be viewed online. An AVK Arts Foundation grant supported her recent artist-in-residency at The Center for the Art of Performance at UCLA. The resultant piece Some Dreams Contain Dead Time was performed on the Royce Hall Stage.

Her work has been written about in The LA Times, The LA Weekly, ArtForum, ArtPulse and Artnet. She received her MFA from Claremont Graduate University and graduated from the inaugural year at the Institute of Curatorial Practice in Performance at Wesleyan University. She's a recent participant in Portland Emerging Arts Leaders (PEAL) which is affiliated with the Emerging Leaders Network, a program of Americans for the Arts. She is currently is an Artistic Director for Residency Programs at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Art.



“Ellina Kevorkian,” Artist Parent Index , accessed October 23, 2024, https://www.artistparentindex.com/items/show/96.

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