Anna Shukeylo


Anna Shukeylo


Anna Shukeylo


Anna Shukeylo


Artist Statement

When my daughter was born in the middle of the pandemic, I experienced myself moving through time in way I have never experienced before. Endless sleepless nights that pass in a minute, milestones and beautiful changes happen in a blink of an eye, and watching my husband transform into a father overnight as if there was a whole new person in there. Capturing this unexplainable phenomenon that is so common yet so unfamiliar and magical has become the focus of my painting. Light and color, scale have all come to reflect both my experience of the moment and the intimacy. Every painting of the Repose series, often capturing the new father and his little mini-me daughter, becomes a little precious relic that captures the quite withing the chaotic life of a full time working parent. These pieces are both memory sakes and moments of very precious enjoyment of creating, made in the evenings, during naps, on kitchen tables, at the work office, when time seems dealt out in minutes.



Anonymous, “Anna Shukeylo,” Artist Parent Index , accessed July 27, 2024,

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