Rachelle Beaudoin


Rachelle Beaudoin


New Hampshire

Artist Statement

In performances, videos, I confront stereotypes and tropes of gender representation to create a space of uncertainty.  I research and deconstruct the ways in which women are portrayed in popular culture and on the Internet. I contrast the natural world and the outdoors, to trends, themes and memes from the web, mashing up Kardashian culture with the rural, forested environment in New Hampshire where I live. Thighbrows, thigh gaps, and facial masks become fodder for my work. I use humor and sarcasm as an entry point into issues of gender, power and class in order to call out the invisible structures and sexism that pervades both the physical world and the online world.  Masks, makeup and identity are also a fascination of mine.

Often employing physical comedy, my videos document performances in which I explore the pressures and contradictions I face on a daily basis. I push concepts from web videos and advertising to the absurd so that the content becomes humorous and sometimes alarming.

Since becoming a mother, this experience has become part of my work. I have created videos to address the infantilization of expectant mothers and reality of caring for children and parents.    Personal, sometimes awkward, yet open and inviting, the work emphasizes the physicality of the body, showing both vulnerability and strength, following in the tradition of feminist performance art. This work comes from a place of experience and honesty.


Maternochronics, curated by Emily Zarse, online.
In Union, Remotely, Shaker Museum, Mount Lebanon, NY
Everything is Different Now, online and at Stay Home Gallery, Paris, TN
BIRTH_to_animate, online exhibition, vaginamuseum.at
Summa, curated by Roger Hankins, Canton Gallery, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA

Hauling and the Art of Futility, performance, Currier Museum of Art, Manchester, NH
NeXus, Edge Zones Art Gallery, curated by Hector Canonge, Miami, FL



“Rachelle Beaudoin,” Artist Parent Index , accessed July 27, 2024, https://www.artistparentindex.com/items/show/609.

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