Christiana E. Updegraff


Christiana E. Updegraff


Christiana Updegraff

Artist Statement

It may be a result of being a vessel of comfort, or perhaps better stated; a servant of comfort, I am particularly interested in the objects of human comfort in conjunction with imagery of emptiness and decay. I am also intrigued by the interior and exterior views, and careful placement of work in a gallery setting which allows the viewer to gain access to the inside of a piece, but never fully experience or access it. These themes have been prevalent in other work, work which preceded my role of mother, but I could not fully see all of the parallels between old and new work until becoming a mother. It has made me more human. It has made me warmer. It has certainly made me more intuitive.



ceupdegraff, “Christiana E. Updegraff,” Artist Parent Index , accessed July 27, 2024,

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