Roxana Alger Geffen


Roxana Alger Geffen


Washington, DC

Artist Statement

 I’ve spent the last decade exploring the world of domestic life and family systems. Although I started as a painter, describing the chaotic and contradictory world of parenting seemed to require a multi-layered, eclectic approach, and I have expanded my practice to include collage, installation and photography. Recently, I’ve been drawn into the digital worlds my children inhabit so readily (in part because the subject of ‘screen’ causes so much debate and anxiety in the cultural discourse) and the imagery I’ve found there has been surprisingly inspiring and oddly familiar. One game had a pixelated, modular landscape—touched with moments of surprising, naturalistic beauty—that became an excellent metaphor for my domestic world. I use this imagery layered with realism, as well as a layering of techniques, to develop the idea of parenting and domestic life as a many-layered experience: funny, moving, and labor-intensive.



“Roxana Alger Geffen,” Artist Parent Index , accessed July 27, 2024,

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